Thursday, February 09, 2006

Breast Feeding

Am I the only one who read that breastfeeding requires an additional 450 calories and day and thought "Score!"


Mrs. Flinger said...

NOPE!! I told a friend, "Don't be so impressed that I want to nurse. I really only want to do it because 1) it's cheaper and 2) I'll lose weight"

Mommy of the year, right here!

Mrs. Flinger said...

Also, have I told you that I heart your blog? I do. If you're curious about reading some more prego stories, I have my whole (and too honest) prego journal on Er. You know. If you enjoy reading about puking and crying and all.

I'm featuring this post in my thursday thirteen because I heart it so. Actually, I'm doing it because you're a fab writer. Welcome to blogland, hon!

Becky said...

I'm so very excited!

I enjoy your blog muchly as well. I'm still working on installing my blog roll. Between morning sickness and afternoon fatigue and evening weeping sessions, I have suprising little time to devote to, well, anything really.

I did, firmly declare to my husband that I would NOT be breastfeeding my 3 year old, however, after visiting the La Leche site.

Anonymous said...

Woo-hoo! I am not the only one. Go me! I was so bummed when I couldn't breastfeed Gavin because I thought "Now we will be poor and I will be fat". And it was so true.
This time I am so doing it. Come hell or high water! There will be poundage lost from the brests.

Becky said...

Go mighty breasts!