Saturday, December 01, 2007

Morning Sickness the Second Time Around

So, I'm still struggling with morning sickness. I had rather hoped that for this pregnancy I would magically wind up with a nice, well-behaved case that would wrap up no later than week 13 and that I would enjoy the wonder that is the second trimester that I heard so much about during my last pregnancy. It doesn't seem meant to be.

However, this time it doesn't seem as awful as last. I think the big thing is that I didn't really expect it to end this time. Last time, I kept thinking that it would surely only be a few more days, a week at the most and then all would be smooth sailing. This time, if it ends before the 7th month or so, I'll be pretty happy. Zofran has made all the difference as well. I know that I will only allow myself to throw up twice and then I can stop. I still might feel a little iffy for the rest of the day but I can leave the house without wondering when I will be making a sprint to the restrooms (even more exciting with Charlie in tow). I also have plenty of strategies this time. There are days that the refrigerator is just too much so there are bottles of ginger ale out on the counter for me. It means that some days Charlie gets to carbo-load for lunch but there are worse things and even on the worst of days I can usually manage to cut up his banana. I have a near encyclopedic knowledge of what foods are most likely to stay down or at least not be so bad to re-visit.

I also know the up-sides to months of morning sickness. At no point do I really have to worry about my weight gain. I know enough tricks to sneak calories in to keep myself from loosing weight and when I start being able to eat more normally, I can cut those strategies out. For instance, while I'm still getting sick regularly, I only drink things with calories. This means that I am beyond sick of gingerale but I also haven't had to be hospitalized or get stern lectures from the OB. And, I can look at all food with the attitude that if I think I can keep it down, I can eat it. If that means I have a day of french fries (only Wendy's please) and chocolate milk shakes (Ben and Jerry's, of course!) so be it. After all, even the most conservative pregnancy books encourage you to follow your cravings during the more difficult days. I also seem to get to skip over some of the aspects of pregnancy that plague other women since I seem to basically just hang out in the first trimester for the better part of 6 months. Heartburn was a total non-issue until at least the 7th month. I could give myself at least a rudimentary pedicure until the very end. The lower weight gain also meant that I shed the baby weight with little effort. I hung on to the last 5 pounds or so until Charlie started solids and then, off it slid. I am one of those rare women who gets to look at pregnancy and breastfeeding as this odd sort of delayed weight-loss plan where you eat way more than usual and then at the end of 15 months or so you're 2 pounds less than when you started with bigger boobs to boot. And, I know that I apparently come into the pleasant part of pregnancy just as everyone else is gearing up to be miserable. I found the 7th month to be quite nice really and even a hunk of the 8th wasn't that bad. Finally, puking just isn't nearly as objectionable an activity as it once was. Apparently, familiarity does breed contempt, or at least neutrality. At this point, the biggest issue for me is that the receptacle be clean. There is perhaps nothing quite as miserable as being in the middle of an unfortunate event and being completely without ability to escape your failings as a housewife. So, should anyone ever want to inspect my bathrooms for cleanliness, the time is now.

Now, this isn't to say that extended morning sickness doesn't suck. It does. There are definitely mornings that I simply delete that damn perky e-mail telling me how wonderful I feel now that I'm in my second trimester. I still wish a violent death to any woman who dares tell me how she simply didn't allow herself to throw up or asks me why I don't just make sure I keep food in my stomach and God help anyone who suggests I try some nice crackers. Really, at this point I have had morning sickness for at least 9 months. I have tried it all. If you have a baby yak I could sacrifice to the Goddess of whatever and happen to know of a nice chant I could try, please share, otherwise, trust me, I have sooo tried it. But, at least this time I have some perspective and realistic expectations.


Anonymous said...

God bless the makers of Zofran! It was the only thig that worked for me during my pregnancies.

And I'm so with you on wanting to *murder* those people who gave you little hints or told you it would all be over by Week 12 or just looked at you like you were making things up when you said you were having morning sickness 24-7 well into month #7. /rant

I learned quickily what foods weren't too bad coming back up (bananas and applesauce) and what to avoid at all costs (rice).

Skyzi said...

As someone who gained the weight of a Backstreet Boy this doesn't sound so bad...

Mrs. Flinger said...

Oh, hon, I, too, had the worst worst morning sickness with both. And it WAS a little better the second time around. I didn't get to take Zofran since I struggle with depression, but it was so nice to know it DOES go away, even if it's when you get a kid out of your body.

And that post right there? Just another reason I'm thankful to be done. Remind me to call my doc in the AM for the IUD. I. AM. DONE.

Hang in there, hon.